August 24, 2016


This week BORN AT DAWN’s focus is on the lovely Rebekah, Founder of Lines and Current, a beautiful brand whose ethos is about being minimal but with meaning.
She seems to successfully balance being an entrepreneur with family life. We wanted to know a little more about how she does it...

Describe yourself in 3 words?
Overcomer, Dreamer, Optimist

What makes you happy? My family and the buzz of travelling. We spent 4 nights in Rome with my 2 daughters and husband. I loved setting off for dinner at 9pm ready for our adventure in the evenings. I love meeting new people too but I equally enjoy spending time by myself. Recharging i guess. Good, colourful healthy food and consistent movement or exercise have become vital tools for everyday-happiness:)

Who and what inspires you?
I am inspired by kindness and by many women in the creative business sector. My twin sister is a mummy and f/time singer/songwriter going after her dream: New Portals. I’m loving the beautiful photography we are seeing on IG these days. e.g, @allthatisshe. She’s such a generous supporter of the brand which is evident from many of her pics. I am constantly listening to podcasts of people from the wellness movement and entrepreneurs. One of women on Instagram who have recently been inspiring to me is @robinnyc, a former lawyer turned street athlete who recently found out she was diabetic too. She’s such an overcomer and has such a winning attitude spite of adversity.

How do you personally define success?
Accepting where you are at, learning, responding to problems in a mature way, evolving, having the gift of knowing your dream and actually enjoying the process of working hard to get there. It’s less about money, more about your conscious state.

You are obviously very busy, how do you cope and manage to juggle it all?
Eh, right now my daughter is on top of me as I type this!! I suppose I’ve learned to be okay with blurred edges of work/ mummy life. It’s definitely frustrating not to have really clear work/ play compartments in life all the time and in an ideal world that would make things alot easier, but it’s often unrealistic for me (especially during the summer holidays) and i have to be okay with that or I’d go insane. The benefits outway the frustrating moments. My husband is also self-employed and such a support to me.


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